Categories: life

Homeless Man Gets a Job Simply After Asking for A Spare Change In A Café

A homeless man, Marcus, went to Abi’s café to get spare change.


But he never expected that his luck would change at this Abi’s café, Lake Street in Minneapolis. He was offered a job that changed his life.

The owner of the café said that a person would be offered kindness in return to the kindness that Marcus has shown. So, Cesia Abigail, the owner of the café, is responsible for the life-changing moment in Marcus’s life.


Marcus was wearing oversized clothes when he asked for spare change. Instead of ill-treating Marcus, the owner of the café decided to ask whether the person has a job or not.


Marcus gave an unexpected answer that as he has a lot of felonies due to which he is not hired by anyone. And now, he is only left with stealing and asking for some money from the street passers.   


To this, Cesia said that Marcus could start to work in the café to which he agreed. But Cesia was able to offer a two-hour shift in which Marcus has to wash dishes.


For this, Marcus was offered a free sandwich, which he refused. But Cesia managed to convince Marcus to take the employee discount instead. 


After paying the first day’s money to Marcus, Cesia was shocked to see what he did with the money. He ate half a sandwich and wrapped the rest, and gives it to another homeless person. This proved that Cesia had made the right choice by hiring Marcus.  


Following this, Marcus used to come to work in the café for two weeks and attend his two-hour shift. Due to his commitment, he was appointed more hours of work in the café.

This way, Cesia shared her experience of hiring Marcus and encouraged other business owners to help out the homeless persons.  


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