Categories: lifenews

Photos Show Highway Being Built Just Inches Away From Occupied Apartments

Photos showing a highway getting built just inches away from occupied apartments have begun circulating the internet and sparked debate.


In the pictures of the land development project that is taking place in Cairo, Egypt, it is clear that the new highway bridge is just inches away from several residential buildings.

©Mostnir Shady Ahmed – Facebook

As the Arab News reported, the Ministry of Housing insists that the buildings in close proximity to the bridge were built illegally and are set to be destructed.

©Mostnir Shady Ahmed – Facebook

While the critics of the 215-foot-wide bridge that spans over nearly 7.5 miles insist that the project will make the buildings in question uninhabitable due to noise, pollution, and safety concerns, the head of the Central Agency for Construction reassured that the project will benefit the community.

©Mostnir Shady Ahmed – Facebook

According to the head, Mahmoud Nassar, just some 20 inches separate the highway from the buildings that were allegedly built without a license.


In addition, he confirmed that residents of the buildings that are set to be demolished will be compensated for their troubles.

©Mostnir Shady Ahmed – Facebook

Responding to the claims that the buildings were built without permission was the owner of one of the buildings. As Hazem Ezzat Qassem insisted, the buildings in question were issued construction permits in 2008.

©El Soadaa Group – Facebook

“We do not object to the project since it is a national project. But compensation must be given to store owners and apartment owners of the first six floors,” Qassem said.


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