Categories: FunlifeQuiz

Can You Find All Of The SIX Hidden Words In This Picture Of A Water Park?

Credit - PlayBuzz

A tricky ‘spot the hidden words’ puzzle featuring a water park is making people scratch their heads.


What better way to spend a late afternoon than by sitting down, enjoying a cup of your favorite coffee or tea, and solving a bunch of viral riddles.

This time, we challenge you to look carefully at the cartoon below and try to spot as many words as you possibly can!

Credit – PlayBuzz

After having a quick look at the picture, most people can’t see anything but a bunch of kids and a lifeguard having fun at the water park.


If you pay attention, however, you might spot a word or two hiding somewhere in the pic. As it happens, there are six hidden words you should look out for!

Source – Pixabay

Have another look at the photo and let us know how many words you found in the comments section.


Before we reveal the solution, here are the six words that you have been asked to find: pool, wet, swim, float, water, and slide.

If you’re still not sure where some of them are hiding, you can see the picture below for answers!

Credit – PlayBuzz

We hope you managed to find all of the words on your own. And ready or not, here comes another challenge!


Take a look at the picture below and find the hidden words! Keep in mind that this time you are looking for just five words.

©Ekaterina Gapanovich for Bright Side

Can you find the hidden words? If you’re still looking for them, this might help. The words you need to find include carpet, pet, lamp, couch, and plant. All of these things can also be spotted in the picture along with the hidden words!

©Ekaterina Gapanovich for Bright Side

How fast did you find the hidden words? Did you find them all without our help? Don’t forget to SHARE this post with your friends and challenge them to beat your score!