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Wife Sends Husband To Doctor With ‘Suspicious’ Moles CIRCLED & He Returns With ‘Notes’ Next To Each One

When it comes to women who pay close attention to their husbands, this wife definitely reigns supreme.


Brinlee Miles who hails from Utah is going viral after she put up images of how her partner looked, right before his appointment with a dermatologist last month.

Miles circled all of her husband’s suspicious moles using ink, just so the doctor could pay extra close attention to each one of them. Therefore, her partner’s chest and back had plenty of circles for that very reason.

Source; TikTok

But when her husband returned back home, the wife was curious as ever to know how the appointment went and what the doctor said.


To her surprise, her husband’s entire body was covered with tiny notes, right next to the circles that she had drawn on his entire torso.

The doctor went to the painstaking extent to pay each and every mole attention because he also found it super thoughtful of the wife to circle them.

Source: TikTok

While some of the moles had the term ‘good’ next to them, signaling no signs of danger, others had ‘took to test’ written nearby as he had taken a biopsy sample and sent it to the lab for further evaluation.


After putting up the images, the woman went viral in an instant as that was certainly not something that too many people were expecting. In particular, so many viewers that were related to the field of dermatology were also quick to comment, like, and share the image.

Source: TikTok

They revealed that many worried wives send in their husbands like this a lot and that’s because they love them so much and care for them. And doctors usually appreciate that extra effort they put in.

Source: TikTok

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