Categories: Entertainmentlife

“Have A Baby On Our Land and Get Citizenship Is Ridiculous” Said Donald Trump

On Wednesday in front of the press president Donald Trump expresses how he is planning to restrict the amendment of the constitution that says a child that is born on the American land is automatically a citizen.



He said that in front of media at the White House just before he was leaving for Kentucky to meet the disabled veterans for his another policy of leaving out taxes and waiving off the student loan debts on the disabled veterans, stating “We are very serious about it.”

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Trump is working on the birthright citizenship as after his Homeland Security spoke on the same it was Trump’s turn to answer what was going on his mind and he said that they are working on an order to deal with the ‘anchor baby’ situation as this is giving immigrants, especially the illegal immigrants the freedom to come in America, have babies and get citizenship.point 432 | 1


He said that the amendment is ridiculous and they are very serious on removing this act of birthright citizenship.


The new law will allow the newborns to be detained from citizenship and will also give the right to the cities and states to deny the refugees permission to resettle there.



He said that the amendment that understands every child born on the American land is ridiculous and they are going to change the very law as this gives the noncitizens a right to cross over the border and forcefully settle in the country.


Trump appreciated a reporter who already had an idea of the thought running through in the discussions and Trump appreciated him saying

“I have no idea where did you found out the information from and I appreciate it and yes we are working on it to protect our land from the illegal immigrants.”


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