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Tom Hanks Replied To A Letter From An 8-Year-Old Boy Named Corona Along With A Surprise Gift


ⓒ – NBC News

Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson were one of the most famous patients of the novel coronavirus. In recent interviews, Hanks shared his experiences and thanked all healthcare workers who helped him and his wife.

Hearing this news, an Australian boy with what must be the least fortunate name in 2020 wrote a letter to Hanks. Corona De Vries is 8 years old, and he had known Hanks from Hanks’ role in Toy Story as Woody.

ⓒ – CTV News

As you can see in the picture above, Corona began by asking if the actor and his wife were doing OK. The boy explains that he loves his name which came from the rings around the sun. However, he said that people in school were calling him coronavirus which makes him very sad and angry.


Corona ended the letter by saying that he understood what it means to feel down, and wished the Hanks a speedy recovery. Neither Corona nor his parents really expected anything more to come from this sweet gesture.

ⓒ – Unilad

It was not long after that a parcel reached Corona’s home at Helensvale that was sent all the way across the Pacific from Santa Monica, California. Inside the parcel was an old typewriter, along with a letter that Hanks wrote himself using a typewriter.


Hanks famously prefers using typewriters and is known to communicate with others by typing in the old school way. He is known to have collected about 250 of them in total, with most of them in working condition.

ⓒ – The Vulture

Hanks began his reply by addressing the boy as “Dear friend Corona”. He continued by saying “Your letter made my wife and I feel so wonderful! Thank you for being such a good friend – friends make friends feel good when they are down.”


He also said that the gift – a typewriter made by the brand Corona – would suit his 8 year old friend well. Hanks told Corona to ask adults on how to use the antique machine. At the end of the letter, the actor wrote “PS! You got a friend in ME!” with his pen. It is of course a reference to the theme song of Toy Story performed by Randy Newman.

ⓒ – khou.com

Corona said that the gift was “awesome” although it was his first time seeing a typewriter in real life. Corona’s father said that he knew how special the typewriter was for Hanks and that it was “very, very special” he would gift it to his son.


Truly one of the most wholesome and heartwarming stories that we’ve ever had the privilege to write about. Share this wonderful story with your friends, and be sure to follow us on  Facebook for more wonderful news like this during these hard times!

