Categories: life

Hangover Is Officially An Illness Court Says In A Case Against Food Supplement Company

The situation and condition when your body is not working normally is called illness.


The cause of the illness can be varied nut even the slightest disruption in the health condition or abnormal working of the body counts under illness.

This is why hangover is counted under illness because of headache, tiredness and nausea.


A verdict released by a court in German was against a food supplement company that was marketing a drink with the tagline “Anti Hangover Drink.”


The court said that the promotion technique of the company that states a food supplement can cure an illness is violating a ban as food products cannot heal or treat an illness.


The judges said that while they are talking about health of the people and treating a sickness, the company should talk more in detail explaining every single aspect in order to protect people’ s health.


The court said that hangover is an illness as it involves feeling headaches, tiredness, and queasiness.


The company then said that their powders and drinks have the ability to treat the symptoms of hangover related problems.


The statement of the court said that just the description of food does not states that a food product can treat any illness at all and if it can then it has to be explained in detail.


The court added that the company needs to understand that even the slightest malfunctioning in the body will be termed as an illness and hangovers fall under the category of illness as there are multiple symptoms of the body not working right.


It is said that lemon works great for hangovers however it is a natural element and not a packaged drink. Thus court has issued a verdict against the company for making false claims.

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