Categories: Family

Mother’s Secret Affair Revealed After Daughter Found Her Biological Parents Through Her Birth Name

Sisters Meet for the First Time After 60 years


Ever heard of a story soo good to be true?

Well, this is an unbelievable and interesting story of two women fated to be in each other’s lives. Yes- this is not a fictional story.


Growing up, Morgan Reynolds at 10 years of age had known that she had a sibling. However, she was afraid and had constant fear that she would never get to meet the only person who could fill the void in her little precious heart because she was such a lonely child growing up. She longed to have someone to call sister or brother, someone to call her own blood relative. She never in her wildest dreams ever thought that she would finally find her sibling.


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Before Morgan was born, her father, Ray Edward Reynolds, a handsome, tall, wealthy man who was a gas station owner, had an affair with a gorgeous woman. However, these two did not expect to be blessed with a baby after their one-night stand. It didn’t even cross their mods that the uncoils actually conceive as they enjoy their romantic moments.


Their intimate union bore them a beautiful, baby girl with blue eyes and curly dark hair. She was named Jennisara.

However, Jennisara’s birth mom was unable to care for her child due to her dire circumstances, so she decided to do what she thought was the best thing for her baby at that time. She chose to offer her little baby girl up for adoption. On the other hand Ray and his wife then also gave birth to beautiful, gorgeous baby girl whom they named Morgan. Sadly, he eventually left them both.


For more than sixty excruciating years, the half-sisters lived completely separate lives.

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Can you imagine? Six solid decades apart?

What a pity and loss of beautiful moments while growing up! Unfortunately, Ray Reynolds, his wife Morgan and his Mistress Jennisara have since passed away.


Twist of events.

As fate would have it, one day, Jennisara’s son out of curiosity bought a MyHeritage DNA kit. Amazingly he had found someone else with similar DNA as his.

Guess who? It was none other than his own maternal Aunt, Morgan. Surprisingly she had also joined the same registry as him. Shocking-Right?


After six solid decades, Morgan and Jennisara finally met for the first time ever. How amazing!

What an emotional moment it must have been! A lot to catch up on and mysteries to unveil.


However, one more twist to the story was revealed: Jennisara was originally named ‘Jennifer-Raye’ as a hint to her birth dad’s identity, but her adoptive parents probably for some reason changed her name to Jennisara.

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Still, Jennisara and Morgan always felt a connection to the father they birth never knew. Surely blood is thicker than water. Who could have known that two siblings born completely separately could ever meet?


If this is not a miracle, then I don’t know what it is. Such an interesting turn of events!

What an unbelievable story! What do you think about these half-sisters’ reunion? Please leave a message!

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