Categories: life

A Farewell ‘Haka’ Chant For The Guidance Counsellor



John Adams, who is the Guidance Counsellor at Palmerston North Boy’s High School, is retiring from the teaching, and all the students who have ever interacted or known him decided to throw a farewell for him.

Watch the amazing video here:


[rumble video_id=ve1ka domain_id=u7nb2]

Video Credit: Rumble


Adams is moving to Nelson to stay closer to his family and spend more time with them after all these years of work.


He has been teaching with full dedication in the school since the last thirty years, and everyone at the school looks up to him.


He got his permanent position at the school as a teacher for teaching science and physics.


He was also the assistant head of the Science Department, Head of the Physics Department and Year 10 Dean at the school.


Mr. Adams has also got an award as a Royal Society Teacher Fellowship in the year 2001.


After all these years of teaching and working hard, Adams got appointed as the Guidance Counsellor at the school until the time he retired.

He has done a Master of Counselling which made him perfect for the Guidance Counselling position.


He has worked in many roles and always fulfilled his duties with dedication and love towards the school.


He made sure that all the young men studying in the school learn the most out of everything and excel in their academic part.


He has helped a lot of young students and their families through various circumstances. He always had an honest, kind, and genuine care for the students he helped and showed utmost concern for them.


Everyone in the school has always been proud and happy to have him around. So when it was time for his retirement, everyone decided to chant a farewell song and bid him goodbye.

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[rumble video_id=v2ci4f domain_id=u7nb2]


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