Categories: Healthlife

 Gynecologist Warned Women Not To Insert Garlic In Their Private Parts

A gynecologist warned women on Twitter to never insert the garlic in their vaginas.


Isn’t it a little weird that out of nowhere the doctor is posting about inserting food items in the vaginas?

Though we all have heard and read that the garlic is one of the most common ingredients to treat the vaginal infection and yeast infection, but the doctor has strictly refused to put it in the vagina.


Dr. Jennifer Gunter says that the vagina is one of the ideal environments for the growth of the dangerous botulism bacteria which can create problems.


The doctor also said that probably garlic has anti-fungal properties but that’s in the lab on some cells and vagina is not just a dish of cells so you cannot rely on that.


There is a book called The Vagina Bible which also explained that the vagina is a non-garlic zone and you cannot prove something just by using it on a dish of cells in the lab.


The doctor further explained that garlic is plucked out of the soil and that’s why it can be pathogenic and harmful for the body. If a woman already has the yeast infection and then she uses the garlic then her disease is likely to infect even more and make it worse.

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Some women try to treat their infections at home with the help of Google and internet sources, but there is a high possibility that at the first place they don’t even have any yeast infection which can lead the garlic to spread or develop harmful biofilms in their vaginas.point 333 |


The cooking item can also give them relief temporarily, but for the long term basis, it is not healthy for the vagina.point 97 | 1


It is essential that every woman should medical help before using any home remedy if they have any doubts about having a yeast infection in such sensitive parts of the body.


In the end, the doctor also asked the women never to put cucumber in their vagina even if they think of doing such things.

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