Categories: FamilyHealthlifenews

Gymnast Throws Her Newborn Baby Down The Shoot After Texting Father That She “Didn’t Want Her”

Ana Carolina Moraes de Silva, gymnast and mother, had thrown her newborn baby down a garbage chute after she recently texted the father that she “didn’t want her” anymore.


She had been complaining that their baby was another mouth to feed.


The couple is now set to go on trial for murder. This includes her ex-partner, Guilherme Bronhara Martinez Garcia.


The newborn baby’s body had been found inside of a waste container in front of where the couple had been living. She was wrapped up in newspapers in a black bin bag, sealed up with a hairband and was found on the same day of her death. The police found the body just hours after being born.


The cause of death had been identified by a fatal fall from the sixth floor, the baby had subdued injuries from head trauma.


Mr. Garcia was living with Silva at the time and was accused of helping hide the baby from law enforcement. He also told the police that her and her three year old daughter were located elsewhere during the day that the baby was found.


The messages that were being delivered had been released to the public after investigators revealed the content. After throwing their baby down the trash chute, Garcia texts Silva, “You killed my daughter. Get rid of it.”

Silva is being charged with homicide and being motivated to conceal the baby out of her discontent.


If she is found guilty, she will be facing 30 years in prison.

Silva’s lawyer, Leticia Giribelo Gomes do Nascimento, made numerous complaints of how the judiciary system has treated her client to the point that Silva may be incapable to stand because of her mental health.


It took Silva 98 days to have been submitted to a psychiatric test even though it has been revealed that she had depressive episodes even before her pregnancy. Her lawyer also comments that there is no criminal record on hand, and has to take care of her other daughter who is currently under the care of her grandparents.


As far as the concealment of her baby goes, she pretended to have a miscarriage so that she would not “scare” her other daughter with a younger sibling.