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A Group of Over 500K People On Facebook Has A Plan To Storm Area 51 Using Pebbles As Weapons

Unity has the strength and breaking strength of people united for a cause is almost impossible.



If you are planning to storm into a facility of United States Air Force then you will definitely need a 100% proof plan because we are talking about storming in the United States Air Force facility here.


And with the same idea in their heads, here is a group on Facebook who are ready to storm into Area 51, and what is the weapon they are going to carry? Well, they are going to carry pebbles as their arms.


Did you read about the plan yet? What did you say? This sounds stupid to you? Well, yes it sounds stupid to most of us but they have a reason behind it.


The name of the group is ‘Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us.’ Clearly the name says it all. The group has their belief that if they walk in or if they storm in together there is no chance the Air Force can stop them.


Apparently, we are talking about Air Force here that definitely has killer weapons which are far more deadly than pebbles.


But 237,000 people on Facebook marked that they are going to the event. This means if these many people show up, the Air Force will require about 502,000 bullets to stop them all.


This is not it to the plan. The group has a solid plan just like they are going to war. They have more to it than just throwing pebbles. There is a diagram posted on the group that explains when and where each person has to be and what that person has to do.


It looks like they are all set to break into the facility.

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