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Attending A Flight Can Be A Trouble Sometimes, Thanks To The Gross Passengers On The Plane



Traveling is good and it is so much fun.point 32 | You might have heard these words out of a lot of mouths but have you ever wondered is it true? Going out into the world to see different lands is exciting for obvious reasons.point 174 | Everyone loves exploring and finding new things in life, something they have never come across before.point 261 |


This is the prime reason people travel to far away lands to explore things they haven’t before.point 81 | There are some other reasons too depending on different people and their different situations.point 162 | 1

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While there are so many modes of transports these days for people to chose from, planes are still the most fascinating and fast ones. People travel on a plane to make their journey better and comfortable but they forget they are not traveling alone.


Video credit: Browncardigan/Instagram

People who travel frequently must have been in similar situations and people and cabin crew from all around the world are complaining now. They are complaining about people who board the flight but forget they are not traveling alone but there are several people traveling on the same flight as well.


Frustrated passenger’s and cabin crew around the world shared pictures of weird people who forget their basic duty of not making anyone else feel uncomfortable or gross.

  1. This woman forgot there is someone sitting and eating on the seat behind her.point 209 |

    She hanged her pony in the food.point 26 | Gross.point 32 |

  2. He might have been in a long flight but this is not the place to change a man.point 93 |
  3. She is poking her feet through the armrest.point 129 | Ma’am don’t be blind, there is someone sitting on that seat.point 187 |

These images show people getting a little too comfortable in their seats.point 249 |


It is fine to find comfort where you sit but not on the cost of troubling others.point 65 | Please get some sense people.point 90 | 1

  1. This person had its toes up in the air. Why? Why would someone do that?
  2. The worst passenger award goes to this person who left its dentures in the pocket of the seat.

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