Categories: Family

Groom Tells Bride To Step Aside At Their Wedding. Then, He Hugs Another Girl And Cries

For many people, their wedding day is the most important day of their life.


Everyone looks forward to this special day in their life because it comes once in a lifetime. On your wedding day, a new chapter in your life starts, bride, and groom have a lot to look forward to- the guests, the first kiss, cutting the cake, first dance and many more special moments. So, it’s understandable that the day is a rollercoaster of emotion, filled with love, laughter, joy, and tears.


But it’s also a day that attracts special little moments that make it all the more beautiful and moving. Most of the time, the best moments are the unexpected ones — like what happened when Jefferson and Jessica got married.

On their wedding day, Jefferson and Jessica were the happiest couples ever.point 257 |


Finally, they were going to tie the knot and live happily ever after.point 57 | During the wedding ceremony, Jefferson stunned his beautiful bride and everyone else in attendance when admitted that he loved someone else – Yes! He revealed to everyone out loud that he loved someone else, who was not his wife to be, Jessica.point 266 |


But guess what? his declaration only made the day that much more beautiful than it already was.point 79 | 1

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Honestly, I have been to a few weddings in my life and for some odd reason, I always find myself almost overwhelmed by the bride and groom’s love and affection for each other that I could not help but cry uncontrollably. I have actually cried not once, but twice as I watched couples share their vows with each other. But this groom’s speech moved me like no other wedding vow I have ever heard—yet I was not even there.


Jefferson and Jessica are a Portuguese couple who fell in love and just like any love birds, they too decided to get married and spend the rest of their lives with each other.


Their wedding day was such a joyous and fun-filled event and everything went according to plan until it was time to exchange vows. Jefferson boldly turned to his new wife and told her something that nobody expected – He said out loud to everyone that he loved someone else.


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No one knew what was happening, they were all confused and puzzled when Jefferson turned to a little girl right behind him. But the groom knew he was not just vowing to share his life with Jessica—he was also vowing to love and care for her eight-year-old daughter, Giovanna. Aww-how sweet!


After sharing his marriage vows with his bride Jessica, Jefferson turned to Giovanna and asked her to come forward. Then, he listed all the things he would do for her as her dad.

He said, “If I could ask God anything, it would be to have you as my daughter. I would be the proudest father in the world to have such a beautiful, intelligent, and educated daughter like you,” Jefferson told her with tears in his eyes.


It was such a beautiful and heartfelt declaration that his daughter Giovanna could not help but smile.

Jefferson lovingly looked into her big beautiful wide eyes and promised to always be there for her no matter what, just as he promised her mom. It was a beautiful and priceless moment that Jessica and all the wedding guests were moved to tears.


He added, “I also give you love, my love, to take care of you, to always protect you, and to not let anything bad to happen to you.”

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With tears in her eyes, Giovanna took the microphone and thanked her new dad.

I don’t think I have ever seen such a beautiful declaration of love in my entire life.point 257 |


Giovanna can be sure that her new dad, Jefferson, will be there for her and her mom for as long as they live because from his declaration, it is evident that he loves and adores them deeply—and her parent’s wedding is sure to be one of the most beautiful memories of her life that she will never ever forget for the rest of her life.point 277 |


Jefferson declares his love for Giovanna about two minutes into the video.point 63 | And even though I can not speak a single word or understand Portuguese, the moment is still beautiful to watch and enjoy.point 163 | 1


This was one of the most moving wedding speeches I have ever seen. I wish the new couple-Jefferson and Jessica the very best as they start this new journey of marriage. I have no doubt in my mind that Jefferson will stay true to his word to love and care for his new family unconditionally.


Please share it with your friends so they can also see this amazing show of love from Jefferson.

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