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‘Grease’ Musical Production CANCELLED As Schools Label It ‘Offensive’ & ‘Anti-Feminist’

Two schools in Australia have gone on to scrap the musical production of Grease from their curriculum, after labeling it with tags such as racist, homophobic, offensive, and anti-feminist.


The evergreen romantic musical was recently criticized by a number of students in two of Perth’s top private educational institutions, leaving the administration with no choice but to remove them as a whole.

Female students were bold to voice their opinions on the controversial matter, adding how the hit musical displayed sexist and anti-feminist vibes all the way.

Source: Getty Images

The schools were identified as Presbyterian Ladies College and the Scotch College where they were reportedly due to star in the show that was scheduled for next year. But now, authorities claim that it will not go ahead, after receiving the red signal.


Releasing a joint statement on the matter, both schools stood strongly by their decision, adding how a different musical would now be chosen after many growing concerns on the subject were outlined by so many.

Source: REX/Shutterstock

The administration spoke about how it values all students’ opinions and for that reason, would certainly move ahead with the decision to cancel the production as a whole, despite it coming from a small minority of students.


While it’s still unclear as to what musical production is lined up next for the joint production, many felt students felt relieved to hear the news.

Source: Rex Features

On the other hand, there are a number of schools in Perth who continued to produce their renditions of the classic romantic film in recent years, and that too without complaining of any major issues.


Many critics believe that more and more criticism for the film grew after the arrival of the ‘Me Too’ movement with so many labeling it as being against the values of feminism and holding misogynist views too.