Categories: life

Google Fired a Tech Engineer for Supporting Conservatives

It was not long back when someone revealed that Google actively boycotts conservatives through Google sear engine algorithms.


And now, a former Google technical engineer alleged that he was fired by Google because of his conservative views.


Kevin Cernekee was fired in 2018 just after he advocated for employees with conservative views. These employees sometimes faced harassment by company seniors.


However, Google denied the charge and said that Kevin was fired because he misused company equipment.


Kevin alleged that one colleague complained about him on the message board. In the complaint, the employee suggested firing the poisonous a**holes. Kevin revealed that bullying is common at Google and that he regretted joining the company.


He added that he thought Google would be a good place to have intelligent arguments but it is just a company with a political angle where two sides are treated very differently.


Google denied the allegations and called the company a supporter of diverse opinions and thoughts and not tolerant of harassment, discrimination and especially stealing confidential information and unauthorized access.


Greg Coppola was the one who revealed that Google’s search engine algorithms hide conservative voices. He said that he had been coding since he was ten years old and had worked at Google for five years.


He also has Ph.D. He further said that he knew everything about algorithms.

According to Greg, Google does not write its own algorithms and people like Greg do it for them. Greg believes that such big corporate power should not merge with political parties.


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