Categories: Animals/Petslife

A Devastated Owner Warned People About Rope Toys After Her Golden Retriever Passed Away

Everybody who has a pet dog loves them, and they can’t bear anything happening to their pets.


Indria Tuckler shares a story about how rope toys took away her Golden Retriever from her.

Indria bought a lot of rope ball toys for her pet to play with, and the ropes were strong even to break.

The same day she gave her dog those rope balls is the day she found them in lots of pieces. She immediately threw all the pieces so that the dog doesn’t swallow any of them.


Sadly, before she threw the rope ball away from her 14-month-old dog, he already swallowed a piece of rope which caused his death.


Slowly, the dog started losing appetite, used to drink lots of water and started vomiting, which was followed by diarrhea. The name of her dog was Sam, who was really fascinated by the rope balls.


There were three feet of rope which were found entangles in Sam’s intestine. Sam passed just after two days of this incident because the damage was extremely intense.


Soon after her pet’s death, Indria decided to post her story on social media to warn all the other dog owners so that they are aware of the toys that their pets play with.


She clearly stated that the dogs probably wouldn’t rip these toys apart, but slowly they are eating portions of them, which isn’t good for their health.


They shouldn’t be given any rope toys as they are more harmful than rubber, cotton, or plastic toys.

These rope toys have a high probability of getting pulled in and tearing the intestinal wall. It is essential to take care of them so that they don’t go through such unfortunate accidents in their life.


Tuckler thinks that if sharing her story can aware the dog owners and it can also help in saving any other dog’s life. She strongly believes in spreading awareness amongst other people so that no other owner has to deal with such a loss of their beloved pets.


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