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The Scared Golden Retriever Held On Tightly As His Owner Carried Him Up The Escalator


Watch the adorable video below.


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Video credit: Rumble

Everyone has their own quirks or, at a more extreme level, their eccentricities. Whether it’s a fear of flying or not wanting any tomato and lettuce on one’s burger, these are the little things that when added up give other people a more accurate picture of who we are and how we want to interact with the world.


And pets are no different. There are birds that love watching nature shows, dogs that just want to take a bath, and cats that, well, just want to be cats. In this particular video that was taken on July 2019, we are treated to the sight of a Golden Retriever puppy who is so scared of the escalator in the shopping mall that his owner decided to just carry him up to the next level.


It’s easy to sympathize with the dog because our own pooch is likely afraid of something. And props to the owner for not forcing the dog by the leash but instead took the effort to lift up that over-sized puppy. We can see the owner even lovingly kiss his dog for reassurance as the dog just hugs on for dear life.


The owner who shared the video said: “My dog is afraid of escalators, so I picked him up for safety.”

With a pooch making a face like that, it’s hard not to want to carry him anyway, escalator or not.

In any case, other users praised the dog’s owner for what he did. Others even commented that they totally understand where the owner is coming from.


One Twitter user wrote: “I sympathize with the dog. I am always a little nervous getting on an escalator, too. I usually make a couple of false starts before I plant my foot on the step.”


Taking care of a pet is a big responsibility. It’s not as big a responsibility as raising a child but it comes a close second because you’re taking responsibility for a living being. These animals have feelings and can recognize if they’re being loved or abused and will act accordingly.


The sad fact is that a lot of people still get pets and treat them like stuffed toys to be played with and showered with attention when they feel like it and then put in a corner and forgotten once they get tired of playing with the pet. Forgotten are the other needs of the pet such as feeding them on time, making sure they get proper nutrition and medicine and making sure that they live in sanitary conditions.


If only all pet owners were like the one featured in the video then we wouldn’t get those sad stories of pets being abandoned on the road or finding themselves in shelters where they need to find a second home if they don’t want to be put down.