Categories: Animals/Petslife

Mama Dog Gave Birth To Rare Green-Colored Puppy

People who had the opportunity to see the birth of a newborn agree that it is one of life’s biggest miracles, even if it is that of an animal.


There is no doubt that puppies are cute and they come in different colors and sizes. But like humans, dogs can also be diverse.


One of the major factors that affect the newborn’s appearance is genetics. Some health conditions also influence how a newborn looks.

But what is the most unique looking pooch you have ever seen? This baby ‘the hulk’ pup has to be one of them!


This green-colored puppy is one of the only three incredibly rare dogs to have ever existed.

You might want to name this cutie pie the Incredible Hulk but the owner of this puppy decided to name him Forest, which is also amazing.


To make things even more interesting, this rare pooch is a Golden retriever. Normal Goldens are already charming but people agree that Forest has his own unique beauty.


So what made Forest green? Before you start thinking that this mama Golden retriever is an alien space dog, the pooch actually results in a condition which occurred in its mother during pregnancy.


When bile pigments find its way into the placenta and mix with the amniotic fluid, it stains the coat of the puppy, leaving it with the mesmerizing effect.

Unfortunately, this is not a permanent feature even if we hope to see a giant green dog running around the neighborhood. The green pigment is already starting to fade away.


Even so, we are glad to have a rare opportunity to see such a cool effect.

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