Categories: Familylife

4-Year-Old Girl’s Answer To ‘What Does Love Mean?’ Moved People To Tears

4-year-old Leah Carroll was born with a rare blood disease.


She has spent most of her life going in and out of hospitals.

After she has undergone two bone marrow transplants, Leah continues to fight a huge battle with unwavering strength. Her severe congenital neutropenia makes her prone to infections.


Her mother, Lindsay Carroll, said that despite her daughter’s medical condition, she is an inspiration and joy to people around her.


Their family clings to their faith in God as they face numerous struggles. Carroll wrote on Leah’s Facebook page: “God is so good to us through it all and Leah is proof of his mercy and grace!”


As the 4-year-old girl sat in her hospital bed, her mom decided to film her answering some questions. Leah’s responses are innocent, incredible, and amazingly wise.

“So, I saw a list of questions people are asking their children unprompted,” Carroll wrote. “I recorded Leah’s answers and I’m so glad I did. The last answer took my breath away!”


Carroll started with simple questions for her girl, such as her name and favorite animal. When asked what she wanted to be when she grows up, Leah said she wanted to become a human mermaid.


As the clip came to an end, the mother asked her daughter the final question. “What does love mean?” Carroll asked.

The 4-year-old girl paused for a moment before saying, “God.”


“What?” Carroll asked to make sure she heard her daughter right.

“God,” Leah repeated with a shy smile on her face.

The mother’s voice filled with emotion as she processed her daughter’s innocent answer. “Why are you crying about that?” Leah asked.


“You blew me away with that answer,” Carroll expressed.

One person commented: “She is such a precious work of GOD. Even in very trying times we are blessed. She’s so strong for such a baby girl. Love her so and don’t even know her.”


Another wrote: “I think many are unaware to the truth that comes from innocence… when my son was around 4, he turned to me in the car and said he was happy he chose me… I asked what he was talking about and he said all the babies pick their parents… I had already taught him about prayer and the basic principle of GOD living within all of life… yet out of the blue he tells me that before we are born, all the babies get to choose who they come to… it blew me away, as if possibly all life “IS” heaven sent, and it is here that GOD loves us so much to give us that free will and choice on where we will be bound after our experience… Choose love, Choose GOD.point 575 |


This young girl is blessed in so many ways, step back from her physical circumstances and appreciate her spirit within.point 100 | AMEN.point 105 | point 108 | 1


A third said: “Wow! Now I’m crying. I love her. And what a great mom! Even though there are struggles and pain that many of us don’t face you are blessed!! Please don’t forget that. Lean on that.”

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