Categories: life

Girl Shares Photos Of Her Wedding That Never Happened And Her Message Is Heartbreaking

Debbie Gerlach’s story broke the hearts of millions of people when she shared her wedding photoshoot on social media with her fiancé Randy.


When the photoshoot took place, the love of her life had already passed away, and he was added to the pictures with Photoshop.

The heartbreaking photos were shared on the same day the wedding was supposed to happen.

Eight months before they were supposed to tie the knot, he was in an accident and passed away. Debbie shared the photos with an important message.

Debbie Gerlach / Facebook

“Today was supposed to be the best day of my life. Today was supposed to be the day I married my best friend. I was supposed to wake up, put on my wedding dress, and walk down the aisle to the man of my dreams.


Today, in front of all of our family and friends Randy & I were going to express our love for each other once again, and our vows that we would hold sacred to our hearts. Today was supposed to be the day I have dreamt about since I was a little girl. Today I was supposed to become a wife. Today I was supposed to become Mrs. Zimmerman…

point 0 |
Debbie Gerlach / Facebook

But today I woke up alone, as I do every day.point 165 | Today I woke up with my heart broken all over again.point 213 |


Today my daddy will not walk me down the aisle.point 42 | Today I will not get to see the look on Randy’s face at the end of that aisle when he gets his first look at me in my wedding dress, the dress I had to hide from him because he couldn’t wait to see it.point 233 |


Today I will not see all of our friends and family.point 45 | Today I will not marry the love of my life.point 85 | Today I will not have a husband…point 121 | 1

Debbie Gerlach / Facebook

And that is because a person made a choice that has forever changed my life, a choice to NOT stop at a stop sign, to NOT stop when he saw my fiancé coming toward him on his motorcycle, but instead tried to hurry across the street.


Please, I beg each and every one of you that reads this post, WATCH OUT FOR MOTORCYCLES, stop at stop signs and drive with care because you never know whose whole world is on that bike. Maybe if that person stopped, I’d be marrying my Randy, my best friend, the love of my life.


I love you Randy Z Zimmerman..”

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments section. SHARE this powerful letter with your family and friends!





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