Categories: Healthlife

3 Year Old Girl Died of Sepsis When the Doctors Thought She Just Had An Upset Stomach

Sometimes a small mistake can costs someone as much as their life.


Just like in this case, as a little girl lost her life because of a mistake doctors committed in diagnosing her problem.

The little girl died of sepsis when her doctors said that she is just suffering from a bug in her stomach.


Harper Aitken was rushed to the hospital as she was suffering from rashes, fever, and sore throat. Her mother did not know what was happening to her so she left it all on the doctors.


The doctors discharged her in a couple of hours as she started to improve but just the next day the three years old suffered blue lips and died in the waiting room of the emergency surgery in the hospital.


Her mother Miss Mullen said “She had a fever when she woke up in the morning and the next day, she was dead by the tea time. I am numb; I do not have any words for what just happened to us.


I cannot explain anything. All I can remember is my baby girl telling me that she wants to go home because she doesn’t feel good in the hospital when I took off her oxygen mask.”


The grieving mother said that Harper’s brother Cayden did not even get a chance to bid his last goodbye to his beloved sister.


She said that the day before Harper died she was suffering from diarrhea. She then noticed a rash on her stomach and though it could be meningitis, this is why she instantly called an ambulance to take her to the hospital.


She said “Harper was drinking lots of water and this is why the doctors thought it was just a urine infection but it was not. This little confusion took my daughter away from me.”


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