Categories: Entertainmentlife

Julia Robert Promotes the Idea of Gender-Neutral Bathrooms

Have you ever been to a place that has a washroom that says “unisex?” Well, there is a fair chance that you must have.


But what is the use and how appropriate the idea of this is? What does Unisex mean? Unisex means for male and female both.

This gives out the idea that only a biological male and a biological female are allowed to urinate in those washrooms. This again meals that gender neutrality, the topic that we as humans have been fighting for so long now has just gone down the trash.

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Is it fair? If I ask you is it fair, I don’t know what your answer will be depending on your gender. But if you are a transgender or a bisexual or a person who supports the rights of the community, then this will instantly hit you too.

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To support the topic, Julia Robert is standing up and she demands the idea that the unisex washrooms should be changed to gender-neutral washrooms.


This does not mean that she is asking for a man and a woman to urinate along each other’s side but she is demanding for the washrooms to serve the purpose correctly.


The main purpose of the unisex washrooms are that anyone disregarding of their gender is allowed to use the washroom and the gender-neutral toilets will do the same.


It is just the name that she demands to be changed because “Gender neutral” is far more acceptable and complimenting then “Unisex” that states the particular place or thing is just made for a man or a woman.


She posted a picture of herself standing in front of a washroom that says “Gender Neutral” with symbols of a man, a woman, and a half man and half woman on it with a caption that said she wished all the washroom says the same.


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