Categories: life

A New Study Claims That Gardening Can Be As Healthy as is Visiting a Gym

Spending a lot of time in the gym working out cannot be the opted option for a lot of people.


Given the busy schedules, squeezing in 150 minutes of intense workout every week can be quite a daunting task.

Nevertheless, recent studies say that you can reap similar physical and emotional benefits from a loved leisure activity of people, like looking after your garden.

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This was a long-term study that consisted of researchers from all around the world, including China, North Carolina, and Texas. They tracked something more fun and a little bit easier.


In varying amounts, they measured ‘leisure-time physical activity’ every week and compared it to the risks of chronic illnesses including cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

This was an unusual study as it took place over a long period of time. The data of over 90,000 participants was collected by researchers for over eleven years from the National Health Interview Survey, which is a yearly event conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Any activity that was more enjoyable than working out in the gym was included in the ‘leisure-time physical activity’ study. Such activities included dancing, gardening and even simply going for a walk.


Compared to an inactive life, being engaged with such activities for even 10 minutes a week led to an 18% decrease in risks of mortality, health-wise.

It was further seen that an increased number of physical activity was capable of further decreasing such risks of ailments. 150 t 299 minutes of such activities each week led to an overall decrease of 31% in all causes of mortality.


Before this, gardening had been linked to bringing about positive changes in the health of a person. A meta-review of those studies said that gardening is directly linked to reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and body mass index.


However, it had a lot of benefits as well. It brought a sense of community, increased quality of life and life satisfaction.

Gardening has also been very helpful for the elderly and has helped them in reducing stress, falls and even need for medicines. In addition to the fun, you can also get some herbs, vegetables, and flowers out of it.


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