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A Fun Birthday Party Left This 3-Year-Old So Exhausted He Fell Asleep While Eating His Giveaway Treats


This is the adorable moment when the family of an exhausted toddler recorded him falling asleep in the car as he was eating the giveaway treats.


Three-year-old Hunter Burke was left tapped out after dancing for hours at a birthday party.

As they were coming home from the party in Liverpool, Hunter appeared exhausted in the video and begins nodding off until his eyes finally flicked shut and he finally dozes off. Watch the video of it below.


[rumble video_id=v5qxat domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

Grandmother Elaine Stamper, 55, playfully pokes him a few times with her finger which snaps him awake as she tells him to ‘eat your sweetie first,’ which sends the toddler to start chewing dutifully.


But the effort is too much and Hunter starts to fall asleep again. Elaine had to poke him awake again to make sure he didn’t choke.


She repeated: “Eat your sweetie, baby, before you go to sleep.”

Seeing how sleepy he was, she held out her hand so that he could spit the sweets out but he ignores the proffered hand. He starts chewing again as he turns back to her but it’s obvious he’s struggling to stay awake.


Finally, he opens his mouth wide to prove that he already swallowed the sweets.

After Elaine tells him he’s a ‘good boy,’ he took that as his cue to finally nod off in peace which only sends Elaine chuckling.

She said: “I just don’t think he could fight off sleep any longer!”


Still, Hunter was ‘just determined to have’ the sweets despite offers to get rid of them.

“I think he was like: ‘Well mom doesn’t give me many sweets, so you’re not having it!’


“We just couldn’t believe it, it was so funny. He’s very funny and he keeps us all laughing!”

Elaine added: “He had been at a white party for one of his friend’s birthday party, it was the first one they did. My daughter took him there.


“They basically all wear white clothes then throw neon paint all over each other!

“He was there for a couple of hours and had obviously been dancing away so he was exhausted.”

