Categories: Animals/Petslife

This Frozen Bird Found Was Assumed to Have Died a Day Back But it was Actually 46,000 Years Old

A frozen bird was discovered so well preserved that the fossil discoverer though the bird had only died a day ago.


Turns out the bird had been dead ever since the middle of the last ice age that was 46,000 years ago.

The extremely well-preserved specimen was found, that is an ancestor of the modern lark was found inside a mine tunnel in permafrost that is located near north-east Siberia’s village of Belaya Gora.


It looks like the bird hasn’t changed much in the 46,000 years as larks tend to find and settle in open habitat and it is said to be a similar kind of habitat in Siberia back then in the middle of last ice age period. 


The researchers have named it the Icebird which is the first-ever frozen bird found in Siberia. The researchers also discovered it was a female bird.


The researchers believe that the bird died a natural death after freezing in the cold and the same had kept its body from decomposing at all over thousands of years.


Natural History Museum of Sweden’s Palaeontologist Love Dalén was given the bird to study after it was found by the fossil hunters hidden about 7 meters inside the layer of earth in the tunnel. 


Upon testing on the bird it was found that it lived about 46,000 years ago. 


It was also found out that the bird was an ancestor of the modern lark. They were first fiddling between the potions of thrush and a lark.


While today the larks of Mongolia and Russia are different, it is being believed that the climate turn over the last years of Ice Age gave birth to a subspecies of Lark. 


Does this discovery fascinate you because it sure fascinates us? 

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