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Freshly Painted Driveway Of This Particular House Is Drawing People Attention On Social Media

The driveway of Britain’s biggest family is painted unusually not long time ago and social media users are calling it X-Rated.


Source: Instagram

The 46-year-old woman posted a picture of her freshly painted driveway on Instagram and received many comments from people calling it X-Rated as it resembles a certain body part of a man. The woman is surprised to see these types of comments and is startled to no end.

Source: Instagram

Sue Radford elaborated that she and her family are considered as the biggest family in The United Kingdom, and all the family members live in the same house, whose gate was just renovated by the usage of paint and some DIY skills. She likes the way it looks now and is not in the mood of changing it at all.


This house which was, previously a care home, is composed of 10 bedrooms and is located in Morecambe, Lancashire. The gate of this house is grey, and social media users are commenting about its looks, and that is surprising for the residents of the house.

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Source: Instagram

One of the Instagram followers of Sue has commented that it’s nice that they have painted it grey instead of pink.point 216 |


Another follower liked the way it looks now.point 37 | The residents of this house include Sue and her husband, 31-year-old Chris as the eldest child and 1-year-old Heidie as the youngest one.point 152 | 20 more children live there, and another 19-year-old girl with her daughter Ophelia is also included in the residents of this house.point 263 | 1

Source: Instagram

Share this article with your family and let them know about the biggest family in The United Kingdom. Life is all about family and friends, and a person is happiest around them undoubtedly. Take care of your family members and love the people who make you smile everyday.