Categories: +AnimaisAnimals/Pets

Man Shocked To See Four Puppies Covered In Tar, He Acted Quickly Before It Was Too Late

Like humans, animals are also capable of love, care, and affection.


When you look into their eyes, you can see numerous emotions.

It is difficult to imagine that someone would do them harm, especially to newborn animals that couldn’t defend themselves. It makes our blood boil.

One of such monsters covered four puppies in tar and left them under the sun to die a painful and slow death.


Fortunately, someone found the injured puppies and they were rescued by the Sky Foundation for Animal Rights.

The puppies were in critical condition but have since been treated carefully by a vet.


Speaking about the experience, he said: “One of [the puppies] had a particularly tough time. He had his left eye, his nose, and his mouth all covered in tar. We could really use some kind of animal police institution right now.”


With the increasing number of stray dogs in Romania, officers are not taking the matter very seriously. One officer was allegedly heard saying that he didn’t want to waste his time by investigating the case.

The founder of the Sky Foundation for Animal Rights, Catalin Pavaliu, said that many disturbing instances of animal cruelty have been occurring in the region.


“We’re starting to think there’s someone in the city who does these kinds of cruel acts on purpose.”

Last month, it was reported that a group of puppies was rescued from ‘shelters’ in Bucharest and Bacau in Romania. These places are actually ‘kill houses,’ only holding dogs for two weeks before they are killed.


The four puppies will soon be in their new forever homes. We hope that all puppies in Romania are lucky enough to have the same opportunity.


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