Categories: life

Former Denver Inmate Is Suing Law Enforcement for Forcing Her to Give Birth Alone in A Prison Cell

Giving birth is the biggest joy yet the most pain a woman can ever be in her life.


No woman ever deserves to go through that pain alone and without any medical help, even if she is in a prison.

But this inmate had to go through it alone even though she was in labor for 6 hours and had asked the male nurse of the prison for assistance.


Baby Jordan was born on July 31, 2018, inside dirty Denver County jail cell to his mother Diana Sanchez. Diana was taken into the prison after she was charged with identity stealing.


The poor woman who was in labor and implicit pain screamed in her agony while her son was being born and said that after several attempts of asking for help she received none.


Diana Sanchez is suing the law enforcement and the staff of the prison as she claims that she alerted the male nurse 6 hours earlier that her water broke and kept asking for taking her to the hospital.


She kept screaming in agony and the male nurse, who stood right in front of her cell did not come to help her or provide and medication stating that it was inconvenient for the prison to call an ambulance and take her to the hospital.


The CCTV camera of the prison shows how the woman gave birth alone and her son Jordan was born at 10:44 a.m. in the dirty prison cell.


After she gave birth, the male nurse came inside and picked her naked baby off the ground as if he had never cared for a baby before.


She said that she was in pain for a very long time and never received any medical care at all.


This is why she is suing the authorities so that the same doesn’t happen together and she gets her justice.

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