Categories: Quiz

The First Thing You See Might Reveal Your Hidden Personality

There are many different types of personality tests out there, some more scientific than others, while others are very concise.


A good example of a concise one is the Meyers-Briggs personality test, this is arguably the most accurate personality test available online that is fun to take!


Apart from tests that ask a series of questions, one of the crowd favorites is personality tests that are based on optical illusions.


An optical illusion is caused by crossed wires in your brain. The information is gathered by the eye and then sent and processed by the brain, BUT the outcome of such illusions varies for each individual.


And now, we have one optical illusion for you below, and the results —depending on what you see first — will shed some light on your hidden personality.


Take a look at the picture below.

Courtesy of Higher Perspective

What did you see first?

Scroll down for the results.

If you are a woman and saw the man’s face first


This may mean that you have a high sex drive or is more interested in finding a romantic partner right now. But if you already have a partner, it’s probably a sign that you are deeply connected with him. You often think about your partner and things in the relationship are going smoothly.


If you are a woman and you saw the woman’s face first

This will probably mean that you feel comfortable in your own skin and your positive attitude will pay great dividends in the future.


If you are a man and saw the man in the photo first

This might mean that you may be concerned about interpersonal relationships with other men, whether it’s someone at the workplace, at the gym, or a close friend.


If you are a man and saw the woman’s face first


This may be an indication that you are looking for a lifetime partner to share your life with. You might be looking a little too hard so give yourself time and it will all fall into place sooner than later.

Did the result interpret your personality accurately? If so, please SHARE this with your family and friends to help them discover their hidden personalities!