Categories: FunlifeQuiz

90% Of Viewers Couldn’t Spot The Mistake In This Picture! But Can You?

A picture puzzle has been making rounds on the internet after leaving unsuspecting viewers perplexed.


If you’re familiar with this type of challenges, you probably know just how hard it can be to crack puzzles and riddles designed to play with your mind and confuse you.

Still, every puzzle out there has a solution and nothing can stop you if you really put your mind to work. To help you train those brain cells and teach you how to focus, we have gathered a very special set of puzzles that only the most intelligent viewers can solve.

©Natalia Tylosova for Bright Side

In the picture above, you can see a group of people waiting at a bus stop. Since it’s raining hard, all but one of the passengers are using their umbrellas to stay dry.


Somewhere in the picture, there is also an error and it’s your job to figure out what it is. While it’s true that the girl in the red dress has no umbrella, this is not a mistake. She simply left her umbrella at home because she didn’t expect rain.


To spot the mistake, take a closer look at the details. You might also want to compare the people in the picture to see if they have anything in common.

Source – Pixabay

As it happens, the people in the picture have too much in common. Take another look at the lady in the red dress. Her hair and clothes appear to be dry even though she’s not using an umbrella and it’s raining hard outside!

©Natalia Tylosova for Bright Side

If you managed to crack this puzzle easily, you might find the following task to be more of a challenge.


Inspect the picture below and see if you can spot the mistake. To pass this test, you have to find the error in less than one minute!

©Natalia Tylosova for Bright Side

Any ideas yet? In the picture, one can see a person looking at a calendar on their mobile device. On the table, one can spot another calendar, a plant in a flowerpot, and a laptop.


As you’ve probably already figured out, the error has something to do with the date. If you look closely, you might just see that it’s August 2018 but the date on the laptop suggests it’s still August 2017.

©Natalia Tylosova for Bright Side

How fast did you figure out these brain teasers? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more puzzles and stories, follow us on Facebook!