Categories: FunlifeQuiz

90% Of Viewers Couldn’t Find The Chicken In This Picture! But Can You Spot It?


A picture puzzle has been making rounds on the internet after leaving viewers questioning their eyesight.


If you’re always ready for a challenge and you believe that your vision is your forte, it’s time to see what you’re really made of. The picture riddle below will put your eyes to the ultimate test. Let’s see if you can crack it and solve the mystery!


In the image above, you can see an empty bathroom with a bunch of items lying around. Though there is no human in sight, we can guarantee that a chicken is hiding in there somewhere.


If you can’t spot the chicken right away, worry not. Most viewers have a very hard time finding it because it is well-hidden.

Here’s one final hint before we reveal the solution. The chicken is we are referring to is blue. It is not a real animal but a toy!

Source – Pixabay

Have you found it yet? Try focusing on the objects on top of the counter to see the hidden chicken. Even better, take a closer look at the reflection in the mirror!


If you still can’t see the chicken, feel free to scroll down for the solution. However, make sure you tried your best before you do so!


That was hard, wasn’t it? If you want another chance to put your vision to the test, feel free to take a look at the picture puzzle below as well.


This time, you are looking for a hidden camera. Though most people can’t find it in under one minute, we guarantee that it’s in there somewhere!


Have you found the camera yet? As it happens, the camera is pink and therefore blends in perfectly with its surroundings. You’re going to have to really focus to find it in time!


Once you’re sure you got it, check your answer below.


How quickly did you manage to solve these puzzles? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more riddles and stories, follow us on Facebook!