Categories: FunlifeQuiz

90% Of People Couldn’t Find The Difference Between These Pictures! But Can You?

Mona Lisa is here and she’s ready to blow your mind with one of the hardest spot-the-difference challenges yet.


If you’re good at spotting differences, you probably know that patience is the key to success. Most people simply give up too soon or don’t focus enough when their eyes are pushed to the limit.

Today, we will help you train those observation skills with a series of graphics showing the Mona Lisa. In the first test, your job is to spot the difference between the picture on the left and the one on the right. Let’s begin!


How do you like this version of Mona Lisa? Or should we ask, which version do you like more – the one on the left or the one on the right?


Though these two fine examples look identical at first glance, there is a major difference between them. But where?


To pass our first test, you’ll have to focus on the star of the show herself. She’s the one who’s not the same in the two pictures.


To find the difference, take a closer look at her eyes. One of them is blue in the second picture!


Perhaps you found the difference right away. Or perhaps you didn’t see that the eye was blue at all. Whatever the case, this was just a warm-up and a tougher challenge is coming right up.


In the picture below, you’ll see Mona Lisa once more. This time, however, there are five differences for you to find!


Did you manage to spot all of the differences? If you did it in less than a minute, you’re truly good at this!


Keep in mind that differences are all over the pictures this time. Don’t forget to inspect the background as well!


How many differences did you find? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more puzzles and stories, follow us on Facebook!