Categories: Entertainmentlife

The Final Trailer of Game of Thrones is Here, and Predictions Have Already Begun

Watch the final trailer of Game of Thrones below:


Video Credit: Youtube/GameofThrones

The much-awaited Game of Thrones Trailer of the last season dropped, and we can’t keep calm.

The patience of GOT fans is tested every year because they have to wait for quite long periods to get their hands on the new season.


This was the final and last ever trailer that was supposed to be released and on 14th April premiers the first episode of Season 8.


The sneak peek was given for the last six episodes of the show. GOT arguably is one of the best TV series the world has ever seen. You will hardly find anyone who hasn’t watch the show yet.

In the very first frame,we see Arya with blood on her faceand is in Winterfell. The first dialogue that we hear is from Arya. She says that she knows death and it has many faces.


It looks like she has finally seen one of the white walkers. The Lord Varys and her son in the crypts of Winterfell. Varyslooked scared, and this further indicates that white walkers willbe reaching the landoftheStark’s anytime soon.


Cersei looks confident, and her confidence will make one believe that she is ready for the final war and has plans like she always has. She is truly the evil genius of the show.


The fans were left on a cliffhanger about the death of Tormund and Edd, but their appearance in the trailer confirms that they will be seen in action for the last season.


Samwas seen in the company of the three-eyedravens, Brandon Stark. Same by the end of the last season was able to deduce the link between Khaleesi and Jon Stark.


There is a possibility that he might have already reached the Winterfell to make both of them aware of who they really are.

What Jon said in the trailer looks like he is stressing on the gravity of how dangerous white walkers really are.

The dialogue of Jon will hit you hard because what he spoke was the cold truth of white walkers.


Sansa was only seen once when she got a glimpse of the mighty dragons. It all looks amazing overall. It is finally time for things to wind up and we can’t wait to see what George Martin and the show directors have planned for the final season.


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