Categories: Familylife

Haunting Final Messages And Calls Of 9/11 Victims Trapped In World Trade Center And Hijacked Planes

It has been 18 years since New York was struck by a terror attack, injuring more than 6,000 people and causing the deaths of 3,000.


The horrific incident on September 11, 2001, saw a group of Al Qaeda terrorists hijack four planes and two crashed into the North and South towers of World Trade Center in New York City. Another was flown into a field in Pennsylvania while the other into the Pentagon in Washington DC.


The final messages and calls of those trapped inside the hijacked planes and Twin Towers are a tormenting reminder not only of the individuals who lost their lives but also the loved ones they left behind.


Melissa Harrington Hughes visited New York for a day. She made her last call to her husband, Sean, who couldn’t pick up right away because of the time difference. She said: “I just want to let you know I love you and I’m stuck in this building in New York.


“There’s lot of smoke and I just wanted you to know that I love you always.”

Melissa Harrington Hughes

Fire Chief Orio Palmar helped many people escape and led a team up to the impact zone. Unfortunately, he didn’t return.


He bravely said to his colleagues over the radio: “I didn’t hear fear, I didn’t hear panic.

“When the tape is made public to the world, people will hear that they all went about their jobs without fear, and selflessly.”

Fire Chief Orio Palmar

Melissa Doi, who was working on the 83rd floor of the South Tower, made a 999 call. She told the operator: “There’s no one here yet and the floor’s completely engulfed. We’re on the floor and we can’t breathe…


“It’s very hot… All I see is smoke.”

She then added: “I’m going to die, aren’t I?”

She asked the dispatcher to set up a three-way call so she could talk to her mother for one last time but they failed to do so.

Melissa Doi

Beverly Eckert’s husband Sean Rooney, was working in the Twin Towers that day. He contacted her to deliver bad news.


Beverly said to the New York Magazine: “He told me he was on the 105th floor and I knew right away that Sean was never coming home.

“After long minutes of talking, he whispered ‘I love you’ over and over. Then I heard this loud explosion.”


She added: “I called his name in the phone over and over. Then I just sat there huddled on the floor holding the phone to my heart.”

Sean Rooney

One of the flight attendants on Flight 93, CeeCee Lyles, tried to call her husband, a police officer. She left him a message: “Hi baby, baby you have to listen to me carefully. I’m on a plane that’s been hijacked, I’m calling from the plane.


“I want to tell you that I love you. Please tell my children that I love them very much and I’m so sorry baby.

“I don’t know what to say. There’s three guys, they’ve hijacked the plane, we’re turned around and I heard that there’s planes that have been flown into the World Trade Centre.


“I hope to see your face again, baby. I love you.”

CeeCee Lyles

Betty Ong, one of the flight attendants on the plane flown into the Twin Towers, called the authorities and managed to provide vital information about what happened.

Betty Ong

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