Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Can You Crack The Code And Figure Out Who’s Lying In This Puzzle?

Here is a puzzle that’s going viral as we speak and guaranteed to sweep plenty of online viewers off of their feet.


Another wonderful day means a great opportunity to get your brain cells flowing in the right direction. And according to experts, there’s simply no better way to give your brain cells the right kickstart than with an exercise that manages to make you think while keeping you entertained too.

Source: ISPI

Picture puzzles are a huge favorite when it comes to our dedicated readers and that’s exactly one of the main reasons why we’re back with a bang. So, do you think you’ve got what it takes to answer correctly? If yes, scroll down below, and let’s see what the puzzle has to offer.


It’s fun, engaging, and has a little out-of-the-box thinking- yes that’s exactly the way we all like it. Be sure to share the viral entertainment with your friends and colleagues too. Who knows, you just might end up making someone’s day. Also, before we forget, we’ve written down the solution for you towards the end.

Source: Stylist

Feel free to take a look, only when you’re done. Please no cheating because there’s simply no fun in that. Alright, let the logic games begin. Good luck!


The tricky logic puzzle

In the picture puzzle shown below, we’re asking you to take a real good look and figure out one simple thing. Who amongst the individuals shown is lying? Yes, you need to look carefully and justify your answer the right way.

Source: GPuzzles

Also, be sure to mention your selection and the reason why in the comments section. And remember, it’s easier than you think. All you need to do is pick up on the clue.


The right solution

Congratulations on reaching the end of the puzzle. And you know what that means, it’s time for the final reveal.

Source: Mind Tools

The correct answer is the man on the right side. This is because his tire marks are matching.