Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Can You Figure Out The Answer To This Tricky Riddle?

Tongue twisters have a fun and unique way of playing with the mind but this similarly themed riddle comes with a major twist of its own.


Just the thought of counting has so many people going oh, that’s so easy. But wait, before you jump on the same bandwagon, we welcome you to come and explore a puzzle like no other.

While the makers of this challenge tell viewers that the riddle has originally been designed to test the minds of 5th graders, one word of advice from us to you is… please don’t believe them.

Source: BBC Future

Science says that there’s a higher probability that you’ll end up making silly mistakes if you perceive something to be way easier than what you might be accustomed to seeing. So, a better way of looking at things is by taking your time and being extra careful when answering.


Surprisingly, only one in 10 viewers managed to figure out the right answer! Does that mean this riddle is uberly difficult? No, it doesn’t but it certainly is tricky.

Source: Wikipedia

So, are you ready to put your brain cells to the test and analyze the riddle being put forward in front of you? We sure hope so! Good luck and let’s let the mind games begin!


The tricky puzzle

The puzzle below is more confusing than a tongue twister. It states that a girl named Sara saw a total of 7 sharks swimming. Now, it’s up to you to figure out how many letter S’s are actually present in the sentence.

Source: puzzles.com

Don’t forget to share with us your conclusions in the comments section. We’d love to see how our viewers did! Also, share the fun with loved ones and family members too because sharing is definitely equivalent to caring!


The final answer

Source: Search Engine Journal

The correct answer is actually ONE! The riddle asks you to count the letter s in the word sentence and that equals one! Tricky, yes but impossible, no!