Categories: Familylife

Father Pulled Son Out Of School Because Teachers Were ‘Brainwashing’ Him About Climate Change

An angry father has pulled his young son out of school after accusing ‘greenie’ teachers of brainwashing his child with lectures of climate change.


As 38-year-old Matt Karlos from New South Wales admitted, his 10-year-old boy Max was requested to “dress like a hippy” as a part of climate change lessons directed by his teacher.


According to Matt, he’s tired of “a bunch of dole-bludging, drug-taking hippies who strap themselves to roads and do nothing with their lives” which is why he doesn’t want his son ending up this way as well.


After pulling Max out of the school, the father addressed the protesters and said:

“There are about 50 of them on our road all the time, protesting against my family’s water company – we go past them everyday so Max knows what they’re about, and he’s not interested.”


In addition to kids being asked to dress “as a hippy,” Matt claimed there were several other doubtable homework tasks that his son was faced with.


“The Greens have an arrogance about them,” the 38-year-old dad added, claiming that teachers were upset when he confronted them about the tasks.

“They think if you’re not with them, you’re for the destruction of the planet and you’re completely against them.”


While the father said he supports respectful behavior towards the environment, he suggested that children should be pushed to learn and represent real practices such as farming and working hard rather than protesting on the streets.


“They should be dressing as farmers or laborers or people who work hard, not pushing the Green agenda – they should be learning about good agricultural practices and land management in farming,” the professional pilot said.


“Max is pretty head-strong and sure of himself – a lot like me – and after the hippy thing he was done, and wanted to change schools…


“The teachers are making the kids terrified of the future – they’re scaring them by telling them mankind caused climate change – the ideologies were in his face all the time.”

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