Categories: Culturelife

A Father Shared A Solution To Explain Stranger’s Unpleasant Body Odor To Your Kids

If you are a parent then you must have faced an awkward situation when your kids complain about strangers’ looks or their smell.


A Singaporean dad, Calvin Soh has a solution to explain to your kids when they complain about an unpleasant body odor of someone. 

He told it through a comic which he posted on his Facebook page, Father and Son. He also shares his life as a father on his page.


”I would say my son is curious, creative, thinks critically, is reflective, and unfazed by failure,” Soh said.  ”An old soul in a teenager. At 6, he pulled me aside and said ‘Dad, don’t always say ‘No’ to me. Let me live a little.”


So when he asked the question, this is how he replied to the awkward question.

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Father and Son
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Father and Son
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Father and Son

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Father and Son
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Father and Son

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Father and Son

Many people praised his work.point 249 |


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One wrote: ”My dad grew up Caucasian in a tenement surrounded by immigrants, mostly Eastern Europeans, in Transcona, Manitoba, Canada.point 121 | He worked hard, was tall, white and good looking so had enormous advantages right away and eventually achieved middle class status.point 232 |


My mom was the child raiser but my dad made it his mission to ensure his kids felt respect for everyone from every culture, especially those who appear “different”.point 140 | He proved to me that hate is learned just as respect and decency is learned.point 202 |


I so wish he was alive so I could show him your work.point 41 | Thank you for sharing this message in a divisive dangerous world.point 96 | This message shared can change the future.point 132 | point 139 | 1



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