Categories: Familylife

Father Dressed Up As Elsa In Support Of His Son’s Love For The Disney Princess

A six-year-old boy named Colin Stuart is one of the biggest fans of Elsa since he saw her in Frozen.


He told his wish to wear Elsa costume to his father Scott Stuart, to which the dad encouraged his son to do what he likes.

The young boy felt nervous as he was afraid that people would laugh at him. “He fell in love with Queen Elsa,” his father told Buzzfeed. “He loved everything about her, and of course, wanted every toy and costume available. He had an Elsa doll that he was so proud of. He would take it everywhere and show it to everyone.”

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When Frozen 2 was released the father-son went to theater dressing up as Elsa.point 176 | Scott doesn’t want his son to feel ashamed of being himself as he said, “I feel that in a moment like that, we can either teach our kids to run away from who they are and what they love to try and please other people — or teach them to have the courage to be themselves.point 401 |


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The father decided to support Colin by matching his son in a blue gown. The duo had fun and Scott shared the video on TikTok which received a great response.

The father told Buzzfeed: “We chose to teach him to be himself. And to support him, I wore an Elsa costume too. I would hope people could look at this video and see a child having the courage to be themselves, and know that if they have to courage to do the same, there will be someone who will stand with them too.”


Scott revealed his son loves “traditionally-male characters” too but Princesses and queens will always be his favorite. One day Colin left upset when his friend told him Elsa is not for boys.


“One day he came home from preschool completely distraught because someone said that Elsa was for girls,” he told BuzzFeed. “That day I resolved that I would always support the things that he loves, even if they challenged my — or society’s — expectations of him.”


Scott started making TikTok videos ever since where he encourages other parents to empower their kids. He also talked about being judged for allowing his son to wear dresses and play with Elsa dolls.


He shared a photo of himself and his son in Elsa’s dress and wrote, “I have a super simple rule as a father. If my son wants to do something outside a gender ‘norm’, I’ll do it too so he sees its totally OK to be both a man AND wear a dress.”


“I didn’t always have that rule. When he first fell in love with Elsa and wanted to dress up as her, I would feel so judged walking down the street next to him, and I projected that onto thinking he was judged.”

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The dad admitted he wished he was as fearless as his son as a kid and talked about supporting children’s decision to make them shine.point 398 |


“Then I came to [a] realization.point 29 | Maybe as parents, one of our toughest jobs is figuring out who our child really is and what they really love, and allowing that to shine as brightly as possible,” he added.point 172 | “What makes me the proudest? He is completely and unashamedly himself.point 234 |


I wish I had that as a kid.point 20 | point 23 | 1

Scott got inspired by his son’s courageous behavior and decided to write a children’s book about gender roles and empowerment. His new book, My Shadow is Pink, which will be accessible for purchase through Larrikin House on August 1 tells the story of a boy who likes all the girly things.


In an Instagram post, Scott explained about his book writing: “It’s about a boy who has a pink shadow that likes princess, fairies & ‘things not for boys’… but he wishes he had a blue shadow like everyone else in his family. He learns that everyone has a shadow they wish, at times, was something else… and he has to learn to love and accept his shadow as it is.”




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“Gender Neutral Parenting: Why Shouldn’t Our Sons Wear Dresses?”

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