Categories: life

Father Does Incredible Leap Into Pool To Save His Drowning Son

There is nothing beyond parents for a little child.


For a baby, his mother and father are the two most essential parts of his life. Parents are all a baby sees.


Similarly, for parents, there is no greater pleasure than seeing their young ones happy. Parents are such that they cannot see anything happening to their child. They can walk through fire and climb mountains if they have to for their kid.


One such incident happened with Rocco Passavanti, a one-year-old infant from Palm Beach County, Florida, as he wandered off through an open gate in an attempt to get one of his toys.

While trying to get his toy, he slipped and fell into the pool. Since most parents don’t teach their young ones to swim at such an early age, he quickly went underwater.


But fortunately, his father, Albert, had already spotted his son at the moment. His father was very quick to think. Like any parent would do, his primary instinct was to jump into the pool after his baby.


He dived over the four-foot gate, just like Superman. He went straight toward the pool to rescue his drowning son.


Both father and son came out of the pool just seconds later after Albert jumped into it.


A video of this incident has hit the internet. In the video, this super dad can be seen in action.

Thankfully, both Rocco and Albert are fit and fine. Neither were hurt during the incident.

In an interview, Albert said that going around the gate never came to his mind. All that he could see was that his son was drowning and he had to get from his position to that of his son’s.


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