Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

How Fast Can You Answer This Mind-Teasing Puzzle?

Can you take a minute out and find the right solution to these baffling puzzles?


Internet users are going bananas with this puzzle as well as the thought process required to solve them. And since it’s the weekend and we feel that our dedicated readers deserve a little something special, here’s our little mind-blogging surprise for you.

Source: Planet Spark

Now, the trick here is to solve as many challenges as fast as you can. But statistics proved that only 10% of viewers could actually do it within ten seconds. Keeping in mind your potential, we know you can beat the record by miles.


How quickly you manage to figure out the right answer isn’t what really matters. However, we feel that at the end of the day, you should aim to get things right and then go on from there.

Source: University of Essex

Are you just as excited as we are to see your results? Well, we sure do hope so. Remember, we’ve put up the solution to this riddle towards the end. So be sure to give it a double check, once you are done! Please no cheating!


The tricky puzzle

A lot of times in life, we come across challenges that are more than meets the eye. And we believe this just might be the perfect example of one of them.

Source: Wakeupyourmind

It’s amazing how the simplest of things manage to knock your socks off. Yes, that’s what we feel this challenge just might do. So please don’t fall under the pressure and give it your best shot. Good luck and happy viewing!


The correct answer

It’s time for the final reveal. Do you think you’ve given it everything you’ve got? Let’s take a peek at the right answer! Don’t forget to share the fun with your loved ones too!

Source: Forbes

The right answer has to do with a little common sense! Electric trains don’t emit any smoke!


How did you do? Were you able to score on your first attempt?