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A Farmer Could Barely Get Any Work Done As A Cow Demanded For Attention


How well do you know cows? For most people, they understand that the meat that makes up their hamburger or their juicy steak comes from cows.


Or that cows produce the milk that they enjoy in their morning cereal or their milkshake.

They’re not wrong but they’re also detached from what a cow also is, and it’s the fact that they are more than just food for us. They are living creatures, as much a part of this planet as humans are.


Watch the video of a needy cow below.

[rumble video_id=v5of9f domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

It may surprise you that cows are also smart and are capable of a surprising array of emotions. There was one story where a farmer installed a back scratcher meant for cows and these wonderful bovines quickly picked up on the use of the device and started employing it accordingly.


They can become sad or agitated, certainly something to keep in mind if we can imagine when they’re being taken to the abattoir. But this also means that they can feel joy, affection, and can even be a bit naughty at times.


This particular video shows an emotionally needy cow who keeps bothering her caretaker to the point that he can hardly get any work done and he has no choice but to scratch her head a few times just to get her to back off (for a short while). If you were thinking about how similar this behavior is to dogs, then you’re not the only one.


This cow, named Bessie Mae, certainly knows how to demand some attention and the amazing thing is, she gets what she wants! Just like any living creature, cows respond accordingly to being treated well and in the case of Bessie Mae, it’s obvious that she is a beloved member of the farm and it’s obvious that she has the run of the place. She’s not penned in and there are no tags punched into her ear as would be the case in most commercial cow farms.


While this video is not meant to convince you to become a vegetarian, hopefully, you can also appreciate the animal that your food comes from. Your hamburger didn’t just appear out of thin air. It’s the product of a long series of processes that includes the meat found inside the cow’s body.


It’s not wrong to want to eat meat. More of the problem lies in the commercialized farming operations that treat cows as simple commodities and make them live in atrocious conditions. If you do want to continue eating meat, consider support ethical farms that treat their animals right. It’s the least we can do for a creature that we get our sustenance from.


