Categories: life

Fans Go Haywire After Learning That The Famous ‘Storm Area 51, Hey Can’t Stop All of Us’ Gets Deleted From Facebook

Matty Roberts, founder of the most iniquitous ‘Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us’ has told that the event has been removed and deleted from one of the popular Social Media Platforms, Facebook.


A screenshot of the same has been shared by the Facebook team as the event has gone against the community standards of Facebook.


Roberts also did mention to CNET that he has not received any notifications or notice from the Facebook team about the event being removed. The sister event, that had reached 15,000 audience has now been removed and deleted unnecessarily from Facebook without any reasons.


Being a viral Facebook event the, ‘Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us’ was happening on 20th September at 3 AM. Despite repeated warnings from the authorities this show had managed to get a lot of support from a lot of people.


The event encouraged people to meet up and know about the US military and “see them aliens”. Everything was scheduled to happen at one of the mysterious US military site to which the authorities were not in agreement with.


Inspired by the Japanese Manga character the Naruto Run, the event description said that everyone would be meeting up at the Area 51 Alien Center and would make sure to run like the Manga character with their arms stretched and by doing this they would be able to move faster than that of bullets.


There was a lot of unhappiness that got triggered in the hearts of people when they learned that the event was deleted from Facebook. Despite the deletion, a lot of people started saying that they don’t care whether or not the event page exists; they are still ready to work.


Though this page was initially made for joke, Roberts has now declared that an actual event would be conducted.

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