Categories: Daily top 10lifenews

Mother Labeled ‘Homewrecker’ For Telling Her Son That His Wife ‘Needs A Shower’

A mother is asking her son if she’s a homewrecker for being honest and telling his wife that she requires a shower and needs to have the home cleaned.


Well, in case you weren’t already aware, family relations can be a really tricky affair, especially when you’ve got in-laws involved.

Source: Unsplash

We all know how picky and brutally honest they can be, not to mention their willingness to speak whenever and whatever they want, without even thinking twice.


And while most of them usually do mean well, or at least, some of the time, there are definitely some interesting affairs when it comes down to little incidents that tend to get blown out of proportion.

Source: Unsplash

This next story is about a mother who says her comments have made so many people believe she’s an absolute jerk and homewrecker because she failed to take her son’s wife’s feelings into consideration and just blurted out whatever came across her mind.


Well, in case you didn’t guess by now, the topic was a little tricky and it was related to hygiene only.

Source: Unsplash

The mother in law claims to have spoken about hygiene, be it her daughter in law’s or the state of the house because she was genuinely concerned. But little did she know that it would end up turning into a major topic of debate at her own house, let alone, online.

Source: Unsplash

“I just was worried about my son’s hygiene and that’s why I told his wife that she needed to take a shower while I told her to consider giving her home a closer look because it didn’t look too clean to me either”- she explained.


But that did not go down well with her daughter-in-law who refuses to look her and her husband in the eye because she found her comments hurtful and highly offensive.