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Single Mom Left ALONE To Raise Her Twin Daughters After Boyfriend ABANDONS Her

This is the heartbreaking but inspiring story of a young woman who was forced to raise her twin girls on her own after her lover abandoned her.



The woman explained how she and her boyfriend weren’t expecting a pregnancy anytime soon. However, when she broke out the news to him, he certainly wasn’t appalled. 

He ordered her to get an abortion done immediately at seven weeks of her pregnancy but she blatantly refused. 

Source: Instagram

On that note, he opted to leave her alone, abandoning her and the kids forever. 

25-year-old Maia Knight’s story is definitely being termed as an inspiration for so many other single mothers out there who are left with no choice but to be super-mom. And she’s fulfilling that role to perfection. 


It certainly wasn’t easy, knowing that she was going to be a mom of two without the father of her kids. 

Source: TikTok

But despite the trauma and a great sense of fear in her mind, she managed to pull through like an absolute warrior. 


“The strength came from my beautiful bundle of joys,”- she boldly explained. “They were my real strength”- she says. 

The birthing process was an absolute nightmare. And that’s because she was diagnosed with preeclampsia during her 34th week of pregnancy. 

Source: Instagram

This resulted in complications during the delivery, including how she suffered heart failure during her contractions. 


Luckily, she managed to make it out alive, despite the miraculous ordeal, that gave her and her babies a new life, after they were born prematurely. 

Today, the kids and mother are doing great. 

Source: TikTok

Maia has shared her experience with the world on her TikTok account, shedding light on what it’s like to be abandoned and live a difficult life. 


She hopes other women in a similar situation can learn from her experience and be brave enough to face their fears because nothing is impossible if you have the determination to try.