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“My Partner Feels Unappreciated As I Don’t Thank Her For Being A Housewife But That’s Her JOB, Am I Wrong?”

Many experts believe that a happy marriage requires compromise, understanding, and good communication skills, not to mention appreciating each other.


Those who manage to strike a balance between all of these details are truly the ones deemed too fortunate enough to have a relationship that lasts a lifetime. But this next story about a couple is leaving the internet divided.

One man has asked viewers on Reddit about a problem that he’s currently facing in his relationship.

Source: Unsplash

After marriage, the couple decided that the man would be the sole bread earner for the family while his wife opted to be a stay-at-home mother who looked after the kids.


The couple was blessed with twins and while everything appeared to be running great at the start, their relationship did reach a major hurdle that has left the couple in a sticky situation.

Source: Unsplash

Currently, the man is working from home and his schedule includes a hectic 7 am to 5 pm affair. During that time, his wife looks after the kids, cooks, and cleans too without any additional help.


Once the man is done with work, they have dinner as a family and put the kids to sleep together.

While the man agrees that his wife is great at her job and really does work hard, he can’t understand why she feels unappreciated.

Source: Unsplash

“My wife said that it would be good if I complimented her for the hard work she puts in, adding how it would be a nice gesture if I gave her a little treat or perhaps buy her favorite chocolate bar. But I don’t agree. We both have our respective roles around the home and she works just as hard as I do,” he explained.


But the wife disagrees and feels her husband is being utterly selfish and inconsiderate regarding the matter, adding how he is taking her for granted as a stay-at-home mom.

Source: Unsplash

What do you think? Should husbands complement or treat their wives for being stay-at-home mothers or not? Let us know and be sure to SHARE the story with others too.