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Parents’ Joy As Baby Who Was Born The Size Of An iPhone Spends First Christmas At Home

A young baby boy who was born 14 weeks premature has managed to beat all the odds against him as he spends his first Christmas at home with his parents.


Myles McKenna only weighed 1 lb 8 oz which is nearly the size of an iPhone. Doctors feared for the worst as they doubted his survival. For this reason, he was placed on the hospital’s ventilator for nearly 15 weeks.

“We feared that our son wouldn’t survive as his doctors were also so skeptical,” the parents revealed. But in the end, prayers brought forward a very welcoming miracle and now Myles McKenna is spending his first Christmas at home.

Source: SWNS

Myles was born at 26 weeks, which was almost 14 weeks before his actual expected time. Moreover, his mother Rebecca Grainger who hails from Glasgow was rushed to the hospital for an emergency c-section surgery, right after being diagnosed with pre-eclampsia.


For that reason, doctors had no choice but to place little Myles on a ventilator as he just couldn’t breathe on his own. For 15 weeks, he battled for his life, right before being shown a green signal to go home.

Source: SWNS

The mother revealed how she was even able to see, let alone hold her child, after his birth. However, the father did get a quick glimpse and a moment of cuddle that lasted a split second before he was rushed to the ventilator in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

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Source: SWNS

Since parents were only allowed inside the intensive care due to severe COVID restrictions, and Rebecca’s husband was only allowed to visit, the entire situation became very stressful.point 274 |


In the same way, the couple also spoke about how terrified they were of catching COVID because if they did, they would have to isolate for 10 days at least.point 127 | 1

For them, the thought of that separation from their child was beyond imaginable.

Source: Unsplash

But in the end, it all worked out well and now the couple is happy and grateful to be doing well together as one.