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A Photographer Found Family Of Mice Living In His Garden And He Made A Lilliputian Village For Them

Photographers especially wildlife photographers are keen to capture natural pictures as aficionado Simon Dell photographed mouse and his family in a natural setting.


Watch this minature village of mice made by a wildlife photographer

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He found a mouse n his garden and thought that he can be the best subject for photography so he builds him a miniature village. He explains how this idea came to his mind.

Source: Bored panda

He was capturing the regular pictures and observed something walking in the grass and found a mouse in his camera. It was a moment of joy for him to see a house mouse standing in such a fashion.


He thought to make a shelter village for him when the mouse came to pick peanuts which Simon had put down for him. Earlier than this experience he had captured the images of a house mouse named Stuart.

Source: Bored panda
Source: Bored panda



Stuart lived in his garden and only came out in dark. But he lived single and had no mate so left the garden in 2018 spring. Simon hopes that Stuart will come back as a new mate is waiting for him.

Simon has a lot of experience with wildlife as he is fond of photography and a number of wildlife animals reside in his garden starting from blackbirds, house sparrows, robins and even a fox along with squirrels and hedgehogs.


He had some goldfish in his pond which a grey heron has eaten away.

Source: Bored panda
Source: Bored panda



He always gives shelter to these animals as he gave to George who was a mouse.

He made a home for him by piling up logs around a box that saved him from stray cats. He further covered it with moss and straw.

A fence was made so that cats could not harm the mouse and even a small jack Russell terrier dog was also in the garden and because of that dog cats did not come in the garden. However, it is obvious that dogs have nothing to do with the mouse.

Source: Bored panda

Simon noticed that more than one mouse can live in the log so he thought that it would be better to provide a safe shelter to mice because they are so minute and by providing shelter to them they will be safe.


It will also benefit him as he will get a natural mouse habitat for photography. He made the habitat in the way so that it can accommodate more mice.

There were 5 mice and Mildred was pregnant so decide to make it spacious and comfortable and winters were heading.

Source: Bored panda

They are wild animals so they hesitate when a person comes near them however Simon gives them best and natural food such as fruits, nuts, some mix seeds like sunflower seeds and hazelnuts.


He sometimes treats them with mealworms and suet pellets. He has some good photography skills using a DSLR. He has to zoom in the camera because his subjects run away.

Source: Bored panda
Source: Bored panda



He puts food for mice which they eat in a single day and they live in their log for most of the time as they save themselves from cold. Simon has also arranged some fur for them so that they can be protected.


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