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Mother Was Branded ‘Selfish’ By People Online For Adopting A Child After Multiple Miscarriages

A mother who adopted a child after suffering multiple miscarriages has been branded ‘selfish’ by nasty trolls online.


Kris Monsour, 49, and her partner decided to adopt a child after suffering another devastating miscarriage.

“Being told at 41, after my latest miscarriage, that I would never be a mum and to accept my fate,” she said on TikTok, where she revealed her story.


It was two years ago when Kris received a text message asking if they were looking to adopt and they did not think twice.


But her decision became the subject to some trolls online who called her ‘selfish’ and said it was ‘unfair’ of her to adopt a child at her age.

“At that age I would have never even tried – it’s so unfair to the child my grandma had my mum at 41 and my mum was in her 30’s when my grandma died,” one person wrote.


“My father died at 60. I’m 26, and have to face the rest of my life without him – that’s just unfair to the kids getting them so late,” another person wrote.


“That poor child who will sadly have a geriatric parent before she graduates school,” someone else added.

But Kris and her husband refuse to let negative remarks get to them.

In another TikTok video, she can be seen carrying her daughter with a contagious smile on her face. “Me at 51 with my two-year-old,” she wrote.


“However motherhood comes to you, it’s a miracle,” Kris added.

Her supporters defended the couple’s decision to adopt a child, with one person writing: “These comments are awful… so happy for you and that your little girl will get so much love no matter what age you are.”


Another said: “No amount of time is promised between any parent and child. However, being the best parent you can be while on this earth is all that matters.”


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